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Configuration Guide

Install and Configure Open XDMoD

IMPORTANT: Ensure that Open XDMoD is installed and configured correctly and the shredder and ingestor scripts have been run successfully to ingest job accounting data before configuring the Value Analytics module.

These steps must be taken before the Value Analytics module is configured because once configured, Open XDMoD will be unable to ingest job data again until Value Analytics data has been ingested.

Run Configuration Script

# xdmod-setup

There will be a new section titled “Value Analytics” in the list. Select that option to show the Value Analytics module configuration menu. The options in the menu are listed below:

Setup Database

This option creates the necessary Value Analytics database schema in the XDMoD data warehouse. You will need to provide the credentials for your MySQL root user, or another user that has privileges to create databases. The created schema will be called modw_value_analytics. The XDMoD database user that is specified in your portal_settings.ini will be granted access to these databases.

Patch Open XDMoD

In order for certain Open XDMoD components to behave as expected with Value Analytics data, they must currently be patched. This setup option will patch Open XDMoD as required by this module. There is also an option to reverse the patches if the need arises.