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Ingestion Guide

This guide will outline the use of the Value Analytics ingestor command line utility. The ingestor is responsible for loading data into the Open XDMoD database and preparing data so that it can be queried by the Open XDMoD portal. This process also includes aggregating the data in the Open XDMoD database to increase the performance of the queries performed by the Open XDMoD portal.


Before data can be ingested into Open XDMoD, it must first be converted to the expected formats and placed in the expected locations.

Grant Data

Grant data will be ingested into Open XDMoD from three JSON files in [xdmod_etc_dir]/etl/etl_data.d/value_analytics:

  • grants.json Detailed information on individual grants.
  • organizations.json Definition of the institutional organization.
  • people.json Detailed information on the people associated with grants.

For common financial systems, we will include tools to generate the required files. These tools may be found in [xdmod_share_dir]/tools/value-analytics. We currently support:

  • Kuali

If you are using a common financial system to manage your grant data and it is not listed above, please contact ccr-xdmod-help at for more information. Otherwise, you will need to convert your data according to the corresponding JSON schemas in [xdmod_etc_dir]/etl/etl_schemas.d/value_analytics. These schemas may also be viewed online.

To import grant data from Kuali Financial Services, run the script. Configuration of the fields to be used and the Kuali database configuration is controlled by a file, kuali.cfg. A template is provided with the application. The output file after running the script will be grants.json, in a suitable format for XDMoD-VA to import.

To import personnel data from LDAP, run the script. Similarly, the ldap.cfg file contains information concerning loading of personal information via an LDAP connection. Pass as parameters to the script, either the grants.json file made available in the previous step, or a comma-separated file of ID’s to pull down from LDAP, with the ID as the first field of each row. Output will be users.json, which will again be in a suitable format for XDMoD-VA to import.

To import personnel data from ORCID, run the script. Similarly, the orcid.cfg file contains information concerning loading of personal information from the ORCID scientific user community. Pass a comma-separated file of ORCID ID’s to load from the ORCID site, with the ID as the first field of each row. Output will be users.json, which will be in a suitable format for XDMoD-VA to import.

To import publication data from the NIH, go to the NIH Exporter and download three related files: a projects file, a publications file, and a link file connecting the two. For example, to import data from all of 2016, download for projects, for publications, and to link the files. The files should be downloaded in CSV format and unzipped.

Copy the file nih_publications.cfg.template to nih_publications.cfg and, if required, specify paths to the relevant files. Then run the nih_publications script. The script will attempt to match grant ID’s from grants.json to NIH award ID’s and will place the output in the file specified in the config (publications.json by default).


Note: Prior to running the XDMoD Value Analytics ingestor, you must first ensure that XDMoD has been properly configured and job data has been ingested. See Configuration.

To begin the ingestion and aggregation process, simply run the command below.

$ xdmod-value-analytics-ingestor


To clear all Value Analytics data from the database, run the command below.

$ xdmod-value-analytics-reset