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Source Installation Guide

The Value Analytics module is beta software. We strongly suggest using a separate, testing-only instance of Open XDMoD for beta testing this module.

Install Source Package

$ tar zxvf xdmod-value-analytics-x.y.z.tar.gz
$ cd xdmod-value-analytics-x.y.z
# ./install -prefix=/opt/xdmod

NOTE: The installation prefix must be the same as your existing Open XDMoD installation. These instructions assume you have already installed Open XDMoD in /opt/xdmod.

Configure Value Analytics Module

See the Configuration Guide for details.

Check Open XDMoD Portal

After successfully installing and configuring the Value Analytics package you should check the Open XDMoD portal to make sure everything is working correctly. Note that, by default, the Value Analytics data is only available to authenticated users who have been granted the “Value Analytics” ACL by an XDMoD administrator. After logging in with the required privileges, the “Value Analytics” category will be visible in the “Usage” and “Metric Explorer” tabs.